Breads & Muffins — Reesor's Markets

We make our delicious breads and muffins from scratch using the same ingredients you would use at home.

Our feature breads, Multigrain and Pilgrim are made daily. The selection of our other breads and muffins changes daily and seasonally. Pick up a schedule at Reesor’s Market & Bakery or call us at 905-640-2270 to order or to know which days we bake your favourite breads or muffins. A selection of our most popular breads and muffins are also available at Reesor’s Farm Market June to October.

Reesor’s Own Breads

The best ingredients coupled with a great recipe, then shaped by hand, make Reesor’s breads something special.

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Multigrain: The name says it all! White and whole wheat flours, cracked wheat, cracked rye and flax seed make a hearty loaf that toasts up great.

Pilgrim: Our twist on white bread. Wheat and rye flour with just a little corn meal. 

Whole wheat:  Wholesome and simply delicious.

Flax:  A blend of flax and wheat and a touch of honey.

Oatmeal: A fluffy and flavourful loaf. 

Spelt: Spelt bread is low in gluten.

Cinnamon Raisin: Toast it and butter it for a tasty snack!

Rye Bread:  A round loaf with a very pleasing flavour.

Farmers: A light and fluffy loaf, perfect for sandwiches.

Challah: So good, it melts in your mouth. Fluffy and topped with sesame seeds. This beautiful bread makes wonderful French toast. 

Pizza Buns: These yummy rolls are a delicious snack or great accompaniment with one of our soups.

Cinnamon Rolls: You can choose your cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing or plain. Other than the days they are made fresh, they are usually available in the freezer too.


Multigrain bread

Challah bread


Reesor’s Own Muffins

We make our muffins fresh from scratch every morning! Our muffins are so good because we use the same ingredients you'd use to make them at home. Really good ingredients and freshly baked makes for the best muffins!


Enjoy a muffin and a take-out coffee made from freshly ground Reesor’s Blend beans roasted by Velvet Sunrise in Stouffville.

Muffins are available singly or you can mix and match your flavours in a half-dozen container.

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''I love that your muffins taste homemade!''

Our cinnamon rolls are made fresh for Fridays and Saturdays. They’re often available in the freezer too.

Our cinnamon rolls are available for the weekend beginning on Thursday. They’re often available in the freezer too.

Hot Cross Buns—the Easter favourite.

Hot Cross Buns—the Easter favourite.